This month we mark Dementia Awareness Week. Did your readers know that an estimated 225,000 people will develop dementia this year alone – that’s one every three minutes – and, with people in the UK living longer than ever before, the threat of developing age related conditions such as dementia becomes increasingly real.
As I’m sure many of you will agree being diagnosed with a life-changing condition like dementia can often seem like the most overwhelming thing in the world. That’s why I want to reassure your readers that they don’t have to deal with things alone, we’re here to help.
I work for Revitalise – a wonderful national charity that provides respite holidays for disabled people and carers – including specialised weeks for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia at our three accessible UK centres.
Every aspect of our Alzheimer’s breaks are designed with our guests in mind, enabling them to spend precious time with one another away from the worries of everyday life and giving them the time to rediscover a loving connection as husband and wife, father and daughter, mother and son once more.
For more information about Revitalise, our specialist Alzheimer’s Weeks, or to request a brochure please visit: , or call us for a chat on 5.
Stephanie Stone, Revitalise.